Mary Mugo

Dr. Mary Mugo is an innovative academic scholar per excellence who has published many scholarly journal articles and books. She has impressive achievements which have been enriched by her diverse experiences in academia, consultancies, private & public institutions and communities. Her extensive experience encompasses Strategic Management, Leadership, Marketing and Human Resource Management. Dr. Mugo has contributed to the growth and success of various organizations both in the private and public sectors where she has worked in top management. She has proven leadership abilities, management skills, strong commitment to integrity, high ethical & professional standards. Her ability to lead and manage teams with integrity to yield the desired outcome has proven to be one of her greatest assets. She has in the past won the employee of the year, teaching staff award in Multimedia University of Kenya where she serves as Senior Lecturer. She was also the Best Final Year Student in Business Administration during her time at the University of Nairobi where she pursued her undergraduate degree.

Dr. Mary Mugo launches a book-“The winning Strategy

The Multimedia University of Kenya Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics Dr. Mary Mugo has launched a book on strategic planning that systematically and practically explains how to craft, implement and evaluate organizational strategies. Speaking at the university during the book launch, Kenya School of Government, Director – Learning and Development, Mr. Humphrey Mokaya, said

Dr. Mary Mugo launches a book-“The winning Strategy Read More »