Strategic Leadership

Global Tides and Local Shores: Understanding the Village in a Globalized World

A contentious statement by a Kenyan politician recently provoked a national conversation about rural communities’ true importance and promise. Some saw the politician’s use of the term “village” as disparaging. His remarks, which imply that villages are outdated and unimportant in the face of modernity, highlight a crucial point: the often disregarded but essential interdependency […]

Global Tides and Local Shores: Understanding the Village in a Globalized World Read More »

Strategies for Highly Indebted Nations: Avoiding Over-taxation and Over borrowing

Developing nations that are heavily indebted need to find ways to reduce their debt levels without going overboard in taxing their population or taking on excessive debt. Over-borrowing can result in a debt-dependency cycle when nations take on new debt to pay off their old obligations, leading to unsustainable financial practices and possible economic instability.

Strategies for Highly Indebted Nations: Avoiding Over-taxation and Over borrowing Read More »

Navigating Toxic Personalities in Meetings and Other Work and Social Setting.

We have all come across them in our professional interactions: coworkers who are able to disrupt and poison meetings with their toxic presence, undermining otherwise fruitful discussions. However, if you have a thorough understanding of these personalities and know how to deal with them, you can make sure that your meetings stay concentrated, collaborative, and

Navigating Toxic Personalities in Meetings and Other Work and Social Setting. Read More »

Loyalty without Blindness: The Crucial Distinction in Politics

Blind loyalty, I believe, is one of the cancers ravaging the African continent. Even elites are known to defend the indefensible in order to please their superiors. How can nations and organizations thrive if all that is followed and done is what the leader says and believes? Who said that the best ideas come only

Loyalty without Blindness: The Crucial Distinction in Politics Read More »

Cracking the Code: Innovative Approaches to Tackle Kenya’s High Cost of Living.

Kenya’s high cost of living is a complex issue that necessitates a multifaceted approach. The high cost of living is exemplified by the high costs of necessities like food, housing, and healthcare, among others. As a result, there have been decreases in economic activity, job losses, and inflation. However, Kenya can lower its high cost

Cracking the Code: Innovative Approaches to Tackle Kenya’s High Cost of Living. Read More »

Stop the Idiocy and Using Citizens as Pawns. A Call for Peace and Unity in Kenya

Politicians are expected to be role models and representatives for the people they serve. It is no secret, however, that many of these leaders engage in behavior unbecoming of their position. This behavior ranges from corruption and deception to verbal abuse and physical violence. It is high time for political leaders to stop this idiocy

Stop the Idiocy and Using Citizens as Pawns. A Call for Peace and Unity in Kenya Read More »

Will President William Ruto follow in the footsteps of his predecessor and reach out to Raila Odinga, or will he completely ignore him.

Kenya’s political environment has recently been quite tense, with numerous protests and demonstrations taking place in Nairobi and a few other parts of the nation. With the opposition AZIMIO and the ruling Kenya Kwanza Coalition at odds with one another, Kenya’s political landscape has been marred by tensions and polarization. The two have frequently exchanged

Will President William Ruto follow in the footsteps of his predecessor and reach out to Raila Odinga, or will he completely ignore him. Read More »

The Temptations President Dr. William Ruto and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua Must Resist At All Cost To Succeed and Thrive in The Next Five Years.

Dr. Ian Ndlovu is not new to many Christians in Kenya and to the new government. He consistently gave prophetic messages on the Kenyan 2022 election and visited the statehouse after President Ruto was sworn in. I follow Dr. Ian Ndlovu on YouTube and I have seen his prophetic messages fulfilled I, therefore, take his

The Temptations President Dr. William Ruto and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua Must Resist At All Cost To Succeed and Thrive in The Next Five Years. Read More »

These are the sycophants’ in your team and you must deal with them to be effective as a leader. Stop being a sycophant and if you are a leader discourage sycophancy around you.

We all want to be told good things and we enjoy flattery once in a while but a great leader must be able to know the sycophants in their team to be effective and efficient. I am certain you have come across many people who praise their leaders or powerful people when they deserve a

These are the sycophants’ in your team and you must deal with them to be effective as a leader. Stop being a sycophant and if you are a leader discourage sycophancy around you. Read More »

What praying albeit good, important and critical cannot do. Could you be waiting for God yet God is waiting on you? Could some be using prayer to justify their doing nothing or their laziness?

The East Africa Living Encyclopedia opines that 70% of Kenyans are Christians while the rest adhere to either indigenous, Muslim, Hindu, or other minor religions. The good book says in Psalms 14:1  that the fool says in his heart, “There is no God”. They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who

What praying albeit good, important and critical cannot do. Could you be waiting for God yet God is waiting on you? Could some be using prayer to justify their doing nothing or their laziness? Read More »