The three-day Rhema Feast hosted by Julian Kyula of the Purpose Centre Church has turned Nairobi City County Upside down to God’s Glory. One can feel the change in the atmosphere and Kenya will never be the same again. The invited speakers include our own Fathers among them Apostle William Kimani and Bishop J.B. Masinde. Pastor Tony Mwangi is also one of the speakers among many other speakers from Kenya. The visiting speakers include Apostle Joshua Selman and Dunsin Oyekan. Sarah K ministered with powerful worship.
The meeting has been power-packed and truly Kenyans are hungry for God. This morning by 5 am it was reported that about 50,000 people were already in the house. The speakers have downloaded heavy stuff into our lives and I personally refuse to die like a mere man for I am not, as preached by Bishop J.B. Masinde.
Apostle Joshua Selman downloaded heavy staff on revival and the rising of the end-time army. He said that God will raise Prophetic intercessors and women will play a major role. In the coming days, God will give men territories in the spirit. This reminds me of the midnight midwife 12 am to 1 am prayers that our very own Apostle Hadassah lead us through for a month and the two breakthrough meetings. She consistently mentioned the words prophetic intercessors, prophetic midwives, kingdom financiers, and the sent ones, a confirmation of what God is doing in our time.
He further said that God will raise the sent ones, the witnesses who will be Kingdom agents in organizations. You will be a witness as a sheep among wolves where you are. He said that the appearance of the wolf will give you access and the heart of a sheep will give you room to make the necessary changes. I got interested in this category when he mentioned Ph.D. carriers who will be Professors and Prophetic at the same time. I believe I will be among the sent and my competence will give me room!
This group, Apostle Selman said will be empowered to penetrate systems and structures until they establish the dominion of God. Aaaaaw, Am here Lord Jesus Christ to be one of them. He further said God is not looking for celebrities but for ambassadors. Are you an Ambassador or a celebrity in the Kingdom of God? May God help me and you to be effective witnesses.
He finally said that God will raise Kingdom Financiers, people who will make a covenant with God to finance His Kingdom. These are people who God will trust with the wealth of the nations. And as Apostle Kimani preached this morning Can God TRUST You? I pray that God will Trust me. The Kingdom financiers will be God’s treasurers-business men and investors. I pray I will be one of them in this category.
Revival is here! Do not be left behind.
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Dr. Mary Mugo
Strategy, Governance, and Management Consultant.